By the end of 38 weeks, your baby will be as long as a stalk of rhubarb.
Most women, who naturally go into labor, do so between weeks 37 and 42, so you’re almost there! Some providers offer optional induction of labor as early as 37 weeks (which is considered early term). Other providers will only offer elective induction once you’ve hit 39 weeks (full-term).
If you haven’t done so already make sure your hospital bag has all the essentials you need. Don’t forget entertainment like books and music, as well as chargers for any electronics.
If you are planning a home birth we want you to be prepared for every possibility. Having a small ‘just in case’ hospital bag can provide peace of mind for you and your birth team. You may never need it, but if circumstances change, you’ll be ready to move seamlessly without any extra stress.
REMINDER: Have a car seat ready for your baby, too. No need to install it until your baby is born (or it’s a great activity for early labor).
Some common signs of labor are cramping, nausea, diarrhea, and mood changes. Your provider should give you guidelines about when to call them and/or go to your birth location.