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Pregnancy - Week 31

Pregnancy - Week 31

Your baby is about the size of a coconut at 31 weeks and grows to the size of a napa cabbage by week 32.

Your baby is practicing a lot for when they’re born. For example, in addition to swallowing amniotic fluid and running it through the digestive system, your baby is also breathing amniotic fluid in and out of their lungs. In addition to all of their other movements, your baby is moving their head intentionally back and forth to strengthen their muscles. 

Your baby’s senses are all finishing up their development too: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. The neural pathways to allow these to function once your baby is born are quickly developing, as they are practicing all of these senses in your uterus. 

Most women have a third-trimester ultrasound around week 28-32 (usually closer to 32). This is done to check the baby’s position, as well as to watch your baby’s movements, which are much more distinct now.

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