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How to Read Tempdrop Charts for Beginners

How to Read Tempdrop Charts for Beginners

August 20, 2024

How to Read Tempdrop Charts for Beginners

Welcome to the world of fertility charting with Tempdrop! If you're new to this or feeling a bit overwhelmed by those squiggly lines and colorful symbols, you're not alone. This guide is here to simplify the process and help you understand your Tempdrop charts. Let’s dive in!

The Red Line: Cover Line

You might wonder, "What is the red line on my BBT chart?"

Good question! The red line is known as the cover line’. This horizontal line appears after a valid temperature shift has been confirmed. This visual aid helps you see the change in temperature range before and after Ovulation. 

Learn more about cover line usage in our help guide: https://help.tempdrop.com/article/135-place-a-cover-line


The Green Line: Fertile Window

Next up - the green line. This appears at the bottom of your chart. This line indicates your estimated (light green) or real time (dark green) fertile window each cycle. Estimated fertile window is based on your previous data while cervical mucus observations will influence the interpretation of possible fertility in real time. 


Remember: The more data you enter into the app, the more accurate your fertile predictions and interpretations will be.  

The "P" (and 123) and Green Dots: Ovulation Indicators

  • The "P": This stands for Peak day.
  • The “123” will be added when you mark 3 days of less fertile cervical mucus
  • Green Dot: This is the most likely day of Ovulation. Light green is estimated and dark green is confirmed . 

Peak day is the last day of your most fertile type of mucus before an abrupt change back to lesser or non-fertile quality. 

Learn more about what Peak day is in our help guide: https://help.tempdrop.com/article/129-what-does-p-indicate

Vertical Green Lines Above the Temps: Cervical Mucus (CM)

Those vertical lines represent Cervical Mucus (CM). CM changes throughout your cycle and is a key fertility sign. The different types of CM are visually marked differently on your chart to help you understand your fertility patterns better and identify your most fertile days.  

Numbered vs. Unnumbered Temps: Luteal Phase

You may notice that some temps are numbered while others are not. 

The numbered temps indicate the number of days after ovulation up to your next period. These are in the higher temperature range. 

A high-temperature count can be used to estimate the average Luteal Phase length (the days after ovulation to your next period). Understanding this phase is crucial as it can provide insights into your overall reproductive health.

Learn more about the luteal phase here: https://www.tempdrop.com/blogs/fertility-q-a/what-can-you-learn-about-your-hormones-in-the-luteal-phase?_pos=1&_sid=2004ec651&_ss=r

Extra Symptom Tracking Symbols on the Chart

The Tempdrop chart has the capacity for extra symptom tracking. The symbol panel in the bottom left of the chart represents these extra cycles and wellness symptoms. Click on the icons to see a slide-out panel for more details. 

Experiment with adding and removing symptoms to get a feel for how they appear on your chart.

Image: Tap on the icons on the chart to see the slide-out panel

Image: Symbols from the "Symptoms" tab on the app you'll see on the side bar of the chart 

Helpful Tips

  1. Play Around with the App: Familiarize yourself with the app by inputting various observations each day. Here’s a list of questions you can ask yourself each day when you are getting started; until tracking your fertility becomes second nature to you:
    • What cervical mucus did I observe today when I wiped while using the bathroom? 
    • Did I see any spotting?
    • Did I experience any symptoms - headache, bloating, pain, PMS etc.?
    • What were my energy levels like today?
    • Did I start a new medication or health regime that I can make a note of?

  1. Explore Resources: Check out Tempdrop’s helpful articles for more detailed information:

Understanding your Tempdrop chart can feel like cracking a code, but with a little practice, you'll become a pro in no time. Happy charting, and may your fertility journey be enlightening and empowering!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you every step of the way!



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