"This Was Only Possible Because I Started Using Tempdrop"

Published February 5, 2025.

This story was compiled from two posts shared in our Tempdrop Facebook Group last June.
June 7, 2018
"I had the greatest experience this week and would like to share my story with you (this is going to be a long post):
I am pregnant and overdue. I have been preparing for a natural birth in a birth house here in Vienna, with only a midwife and my partner. The birth house midwifes here are legally allowed to accompany the birth only until due date + 11 days. After that, I would have to give birth in a hospital.
I would still be able to deliver with my midwife, but the labour would have to be induced on day 12 after due date. I know that induction is not the worst thing that could happen to me and my baby, but I still would prefer my child and my body to decide by themselves, if and when they are ready for labour.
Also, I talked to other women who have been induced and many say that contractions can be much more painful, more intense and with shorter breaks in between. There are also risks for the unborn child, and induced births often end with the use of a ventouse or cesarian section, because the baby is under stress and needs to get out fast. All perspectives that don't sound very good to me...
My due date after the ultrasound was said to be on May 28th, 4 days earlier than the due date according to my charting: 40 weeks after the first day of my last period (August 25th, 2017) = June 1st. During the pregnancy, I didn't care so much, because I thought, 'What difference will it make, 4 days more or less?'
But I also always expected my pregnancy to last a bit longer because this would be my first child and my my mother was overdue with both her children (and we both were healthy and did not show any negative effects of prolonged pregnancy).
Now this is exactly what's happening: counting from May 28th, I would be induced the day after tomorrow, on Saturday. So, two days ago, after speaking to my midwife, I went to a gynecologist (my own gynecologist unfortunately is on holiday this week), and explained to her that I am actually not that much overdue. I can "prove" that my ovulation day back in September was on the 9th and that there is no way that I could have ovulated on the 4th, which would set my due date to be May 28th.
At first she said she would't change the date, because I am not her patient and she could get in trouble, etc. But, in the end she believed me and confirmed that June 1st is more likely to be the correct due date.
I won 4 days (and a weekend) to give birth naturally! Instead of induction on Saturday, we have now time until Wednesday to go into labour. I am so relieved!
This was only possible because I started using Tempdrop in the beginning of September (and got a clear shift during the first cycle), and also because I have been charting mucus and other signs for years and therefore know my cycle very well. Fortunately, my cycle is also very regular.
We are very grateful 🙏 My husband even bought me flowers, which he literally NEVER does 😉
Edit: I would also like to share this Ted Talk. I find it very inspiring, and I might not have even tried to change my due date if I hadn't seen it:
(Note Talithia Williams is on Tempdrop's Board of Advisors.)
June 13, 2018
Our baby boy was born yesterday, June 12th at 10:49AM. Thanks to charting and Tempdrop, we were able to have the natural birth we wanted because I could "prove" to the gynecologist that his due date after ultrasound was 4 days early (May 28th instead of June 1st).
He was officially 11 days overdue instead of 15, which allowed us to have the birth in a birth house here in Vienna instead of going to the hospital. The midwife said that in the hospital they most likely would have used oxytocins and a suction cup because his head is big and they wouldn't take the time it would need to get him out by myself (or, as in this case, with the help of 3 midwifes). I am so grateful 🙏
He was conceived around September 9th, during my first ever Tempdrop Cycle "